one shoulder of the styled items to wear

Once upon a fall day, three years ago, there was a mom who felt a true sense of desperation. Things had gotten out of control with the way she was treating her body. Too many nights out celebrating and wining and dining and "treating "herself. She hated the way she felt her clothes and decided enough was enough.

.....That same mom would start to wake up early to try her new 30 minute fitness program. She would work out in the dark before her babies woke up for school.

.... ... .She hated the reflection she saw in the glassed in fireplace cover in those wee hours of the morning. Still, she did it everyday and received praise and encouragement from her coach and online fitness community.

.....So she'd continue to get up Day after day.....She was out of breath and she was sweating and she was uncomfortable. It was hard but she showed up every day for 21 days. And then a magical thing happened. She started being able to hold her plank for a few seconds longer. She learned how to do an actual push up. She was able to sprint in place without feeling like she was going to throw up. And slowly that reflection in the glass covered fireplace started to change. one shoulder of the styled items to wear

.....She still have doubts. Could it be an optical illusion? Or was this really her new body staring back at her?

......As cruel as January usually is, Target started putting out their new swimwear like they do in the frigid month of January. (Wth?)
The same mom casually strolled by and picked up a bikini and on a whim tried it on and her life would never be the same. Staring back in the mirror at her was a brand new body that she created all those early mornings. There were tears in her eyes and her heart was still filled with disbelief.
You bet your sweet bottom she bought that bikini and never looked back.

This is how I started. On a fall day just like today. 15 pounds ago!
Today- my morning was filled with messages from women who are on the first neck of this journey!!! 4, 5, 6 pounds lost in the first week! ..... How do you want to feel when target puts those swimsuits out again? CONFIDENT? FREE??? No pressure or worries because everything fits now?
The freedom and joy I feel now cannot be measured and I want that for YOU!!!!

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